For others it is a mediation candle or a candle on the kitchen bench while preparing the school lunches. Tea ceremonies are another wonderful way to start a day and very popular.
"The Little Book of Daily Rituals" is an easy to read collection of rituals that you may find compelling. As the author states:
"A ritual is an act of self-care that's carried out mindfully and with reverence" .
Some of the rituals Vicki, (the Author), lists will take you to all areas of your life.
You may have a daily ritual for the mind, eg mediation, but have you considered creative or solo adventure rituals? Do you have a ritual to heal your body when sick, or are you on a spiritual journey? She lists out 80 different types of rituals.
Whatever the ritual, as simple or complex as you wish, it lets you have a moment of self care, which I feel is so important in these "interesting" times.