Honeybees are some of the hardest workers in the animal kingdom. They’re an essential part of our ecosystem because of how their important role in keeping plants – and humans – healthy.
Many of the foods and products we enjoy today wouldn’t exist without bees. The importance of bees cannot be overstated. They spend their lives collecting pollen, pollinating the world’s food crops and nurturing their hives so the next generation of bees can grow and continue their work.
Why are honeybees so important in your everyday life?
Honeybees Pollinate Flowers:
The pollination of bees is one of the most fascinating events in nature and play a significant role in helping create all our food production. Honeybees travel from flower to flower collecting pockets of pollen, which they take to the next plant, transfer of pollen, pollinating as they go.
The pollination of bees impacts almost everything you eat. Did you know three-fourths of all plants need pollinators like bees in order to reproduce? Similarly, 35% of the world’s food sources wouldn’t be around without these important pollinators. Where agricultural lands have the right honey bee pollination in the summer months the crop yields, and therefore crop value, will be better. Important for food security.
Many bee species do this work, the European honey bee is best known, but many native bees also help pollinate the flowering plants.
Their Honey Makes Our Food And Drink Even Better
When’s the last time you enjoyed a delicious drizzle of honey on your oatmeal or in tea? We have access to honey’s bountiful health benefits, medicinal purposes, and incredible taste thanks to honeybees. It must be one of the world’s favourite food. Delicious honey is also loaded with antioxidants, which help the body fight off free radicals that could lead to long-term diseases.
They create Beeswax which Is One Of Today’s Safest And Most Versatile Ingredients
Honeybees aren’t finished making our lives better! Beeswax is a natural byproduct of honeybees building and maintaining their hive – they use beeswax to protect their young or build storage cells. The beeswax is created by the female worker bees from glands in their body. They then create the honeycomb cells to hold honey and the eggs. The queen bee moves around the hive laying eggs in the honeycomb cells.
Thanks to its waxy and flexible texture, beeswax is a fantastic ingredient in skincare and household items. Today, you can easily find beeswax as the foundation for lip balms, hair waxes, shoe polish, ornaments, and lubricants.
Of course beeswax is the foundation for our beautiful candle designs!
We’re Thankful To Honeybees For Supporting Our Business
Honeybees give us so much to be thankful for. Not only are we thankful for the fruit and honey they produce, but they also enable us to create lovely candles for our customers.
Understanding the importance of our bee populations we hope everyone helps by reducing the use of pesticides and protect our native plants and wild flowers. Honey bee colonies have been badly affected from habitat loss and chemical use so we all need to help reduce these issues. What is the best choice for land use, how can we help all our insect species, including our favourite natural pollinators.
If you enjoyed learning why bees are important, why not enjoy some of their hard work? We’re proud to offer 100% organic beeswax candles in a wide assortment of styles. Choose from tea light candles, classic pillar candles, artful lotus candles, and more. If you’re feeling a little artistic, you can even purchase blocks or pellets of beeswax to make your own creations
More information on bees? There is a blog here about what honey bees do through the day.