March 06, 2017

Autumn planting for bees = less chemicals in the garden.

Autumn is a time when it is a little bit cooler, the plants that flower are changing and it is time to plant your veggies for winter. One of the most important tasks in our household is also planting seeds to grow flowers for winter to feed our local bees.

Our Good Bug seed mix is full of annual and perennial flowers that create a beautiful crop of flowers:  Marigolds, baby's breath, phacelia, cosmos, coriander, dill....  The great thing about this mix of seeds is that the flowers not only attract and feed honey bees they also attract the good bugs that help protect your veggies. Ladybirds, hover flies, tiny wasps will all come to your garden. The end result is that you don't have to use chemicals on your veggies, and that is good for your families and the planet's health.

What to do:

Do you have a pack of our Good bug mix? If not we give a packet away free with any candle order, so this is a perfect time to top up your candles for the cooler months coming  -  all you have to do is ask for a packet of seeds in the comment box when ordering.

There are hundreds of seeds in the free pack so you can use them to create a beautiful cottage garden next to your veggies patch or plant in pots for your balcony. They love a sunny spot.

We plant some seeds in trays...

organic seeds

The trays live close to the house to keep them moist. We will plant these out into the veggie gardens when they are strong plants.

We also sow the seeds direct into the garden beds, usually the beds next to the veggie patch, but they also end up around the other flower beds to fill in any gaps.

flowers for the bees

 You will love the flowers and the great work the bugs (that the flowers attract) do in keeping your veggies safe. The bonus is less chemicals sprayed in your garden, and a healthy home.

Would you like a packet of seeds for free? Just order some candles and let us know when you check out.


