May 04, 2015

Where do I find information about bees for the kids?

We love going to the markets and catching up with friends who have bought our candles and lanterns.  We also love the opportunity to discuss all things about bees as the connection to the land is something that we need to grow. For those of us that have grown up in the country and see nature at work everyday, we sometimes forget that the "basic" information about the environment, including bees, need to be shared.

Many of the questions about bees are quite simple so a few years ago we produced this little comic to answer some of them. It has a honey bee called Hillary talk about things like how is honey made, why do bees swarm and the life cycle of bees. Lots of great info in a simple format, especially for kids.

The comic is a free download and available to all our customers and newsletter subscribers. More information about how to download your copy is here.


P.S. all feedback and suggestions most welcome for our little comic. More questions that you would like to be added? Just let me know.


Happy Flame.